Rucknium[m]1Interesting Note that as of a few days ago, Liat Shetret has moved to Solidus Labs, which is a similar blockchain surveillance outfit.
escapethe3ra[m]Interesting, indeed.
pigeonsWe are moving the matrix server to new and better hardware, so there will be downtime imminent
bridgerton[m]<pinkphloid (cake wallet)> We will add a stable coin for this purpose. Do you prefer any?
bridgerton[m]<vik (cake wallet / monero.com)> I thought you’d like the fixed rates more 🙂
pigeonssorry, didnt go as planned, still on the old server but monero.social matrix is back up
pigeonsUpgrading db for monero.social matrix server
sethforprivacyAwesome! Go alright this time?
pigeonsthis was only db upgrade, we will still move to bigger box
netrik182looks down for me
xmrscott[m]1Yep, likewise. General connectivity errors
pigeonsI'm going to wait a few more minutes while i watch my client sync