sech126.2M followers and only 30 retweets? Are they all fake followers?
crypto_grampy[m]I did my part
» nikg83[m] uploaded an image: (31KiB) <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/do…XPfKLqOeNVwZjWrRNI/ima_86377bb.jpeg>
sethforprivacyA BlockFi user had his loan closed out and lost 50% of his Bitcoin because hit coins were mixed by the seller on Bisq he got them from:
sethforprivacyFriends don't let friends use Bitcoin on centralized, surveilled, KYC exchanges.
fewunderstandfor the most part good friends dont let friends use bitcoin period ;)
dualan04dont know how active this chat channel is just downloaded irc after some years and normally dont chat
dualan04though ny state isnt allowing any exchange to work other than coinbase and gemini neither responds to my emails lol
dualan04well if anyone has a trick i need to fill an ether wallet with about $50 from bank/cash to my address, my quest driving around looking for an atm went a bit stray
niocdon't know ether, I only know monero :)
niocsetting up with gemini is easy, like most places I guess support is not great
bridgerton[m]<kemosabe> Use BTC atm and exchange to ETH using fixedfloat
anarkiocrypto[m]Maybe check if there is an Azte.co store near you? Or Redeeem.com for gift cards -> Bitcoin.
niocazte I don't believe so
niocthere are atms
niocI hopr that eth fees are less than $50 lol
anarkiocrypto[m]Looks like money orders are KYC-free in the US: archive.org/details/how-to-buy-non-…postal-money-order/page/n3/mode/2up
anarkiocrypto[m]More info here: x21.tools/no-kyc
niocup to a certain amount
anarkiocrypto[m]He only needs $50.
anarkiocrypto[m]Maybe this can help: cardcoins.co but Redeeem.com is more flexible
dualan04okay im waiting on response from gemini its funny they were kind of wierd about me sending more than the first picture , need a selfie with id and number seemed like a joke lol
dualan04okay thanks im going to surf irc and find a broader home thank you
sethforprivacyThe Fungibility Graveyard post made the front page of Hacker News!
sethforprivacyIf you have an account (I don't) and can help clarify details for people with questions there that would be excellent.
xmr-pr[css-proposals] j-berman opened pull request #285: j-berman full-time 3 months part 2
plowsof[m]The person who added that feature^ to xmr-pr thank you ❤️
bridgerton[m]<Encore> lmao
plowsof[m]Had me until "Bitcoin is fungible" 😒😁
niocTIL btc legally identical
niocos that international law?
niocI can tpye
surgeon_[m]"Financial securities are fungible" hot take
bridgerton[m]<Encore> I hate hacker news