msvb-webI think that's great how far you crypto_grampy[m] got with efforts of integrating jberman[m]'s Docker logic and other Mymonero components. It seems you got it working with a desktop client with or without a certificate.
ajs_[m]COMIT team no longer maintaining XMR-BTC swaps twitter.com/comit_network/status/14…02370?s=20&t=olqb2nPNcgfPMRCAnQycNA
xmr-pr[meta] carrington1859 opened issue #663: Community Workgroup Meeting: Sunday 13th February 2022 16:00 UTC
netrik182birdsite.xanny.family/CoinMarketCap/status/1490769836561031181#m <-- the opposite is also true
aksion[m]Tell me, is mining theoretically possible, just to secure your transaction? That is, those will have the priority right to mining and only to the extent that they provide a commission for their transaction. But if you are too lazy yourself, then already at the auction to sell this right to mine another.
bridgerton[m]<ian.niculescu> Do you think the funds on the hack are also on bch and bsh forks ? anddid the feds get thoses too ?
bridgerton[m]<ian.niculescu> bsv*
carrington[m]As the hack was in 2016 I guess that must be the case