kinghat[m]1 block?
kinghat[m]o blocks?
kinghat[m]* 0 blocks?
» hinto[m] sent a code block: libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/do…3f6358b14e9b202f9683ac562410e6ccfb7
sech1johnfoss68[m] typo: "so it The update shows how many XMR have been mined"
plowsof[m]hello community meeting friends, this is plowsof, i am handing my resignation as i can no longer fulfil my duties to the best of my abilities , my parting gift is a template for the next kind soul getwishlisted.xyz/meeting_template.html
msvb-webDankon very much for all the good work before your resignation plowsof[m]!
w[m]Wen plowsof ccs
cryptogrampy[m]<plowsof[m]> "hello community meeting friends,..." <- thanks for your help plowsof - I'd much rather have a plowsof in the community that makes awesome and very irregular contributions when he can than one that's burned out and disappeared. Your presence and work is much appreciated.
chesterfield[m]Can anyone translate/validate what the person is saying in this video? gettr.com/post/p1d90zk896a
revuoxmrRevuo Monero. Issue 123: May 26 - June 9, 2022. revuo-xmr.com/issue-123.html
rbrunnerchesterfield[m]: Do you doubt that the English subtitles are correct, or would you like somebody to judge how much of these statements is likely true?
cryptogrampy[m]<cryptogrampy[m]> "thanks for your help plowsof - I..." <- i take it back. please come back plowsof . we need you to contribute 80 hours per week at least, burnout as much as possible, neglect your family and meatspace obligations and get paid zero moneros.
cryptogrampy[m]also, my diaper needs changing if you have a spare minute
cryptogrampy[m]thank you. trash is in the other room in the corner, but if you could just bring it directly to the dumpster that would be great.
dukenukemlol. wtf.
rbrunnerI don't think somebody rambling that things are deeply wrong with Monero has any more credibility than usual just because it's Mandarin and has subtitles in hanzi ...
bridgerton[m]<Encore> lmfao
chesterfield[m]Just curious if the subtitles are accurate
Rucknium[m]Some claims that don't make sense. How can anyone know if Wall Street or governments own a large share of XMR? And there is the claim that those entities can take away XMR from others, which is obviously not true.
Rucknium[m]I will say that there has been an uptick recently in public research on Monero by researchers in China. A few exploring Monero for its potential as a covert messaging system and this one that envisions establishing a backdoored version of Monero, basically:
bridgerton[m]<Encore> chesterfield:
kravmag7wow the Wall Street, the CCP and Russia using Monero? bullish
monerobull[m]<Rucknium[m]> "I will say that there has been..." <- Finally, more source material for rbrunners stories
niocbitcoin is not anonymous? 0_o
bullskey[m]<kravmag7> "wow the Wall Street, the CCP and..." <- Source ???