NorrinRaddhow do i check what peers my node is corrected to?
Lunar[m]1Or was it print_cn? I forgor 💀
niocNorrinRadd: Lunar[m]1 yes, print_cn
NorrinRaddthanks! noic & Lunar[m]1
selenze[m][how am i not accessing [2mxrxmr.2miners.com/)](xmr.2miners.com) via ivpn.
NorrinRaddselenze[m] try p2pool
duggavo[m]<selenze[m]> "[how am i not accessing [2mxrxmr..." <- some VPNs block mining pools
duggavo[m]Why? Because mining pools are often used in botnets
duggavo[m]Best solution is to use P2Pool
plowsofETH<->XMR Atomic Swaps - 4 months development reaches funding goal as if by MAGIC gofundme.com/f/noot-ethxmr-atomic-swap-development-4-months
Rucknium[m]Yes, it just takes about a month to conjure up the really good MAGIC:
dEBRUYNEplowsof: ty