chesterfield[m]> <@gfdshygti53:monero.social> trying that basicswap thing.
chesterfield[m]> It seam to only support XMR on the receiving end (Say, exchanging bitcorn for xmr).
plowsof11patiently waiting for the farcaster final-milestone completion update this week
niocwhy would I want to swap monero for someone's tainted coins?
niocwen atomic swaps between xmr and fiat?
RavFX[m]<nioc> "why would I want to swap..." <- To spend on shit on where XMR is not accepted
niocAs long as they accept tainted coins
niocThe only btc I have used is "clean"
niocSo have no experience
IngeWhat is the status of the Eth atomic swap development?
kowalabearhugs-[<Inge> "What is the status of the Eth..." <- gofundme.com/f/noot-ethxmr-atomic-swap-development-4-months
monerobull[m]<nioc> "wen atomic swaps between xmr and..." <- When we have CBDCs
monerobull[m]I'm pretty sure those could still be refunded via some admin key so better not trade your hard crypto for weak cbds
monerobull[m]The ECB also said the digital euro would have to be coded so you can't trade it for privacy coins, which is funny
Siren[m]ECB says a lot of nonsensical things
IngeWait, gofundme supports Monero donations ??
rbrunner"TO DONATE WITH CRYPTO: CLICK HERE" seems to go to something external that MAGIC Grants manages
monerobull[m]We don't use GoFundMe anymore
DanIsnotthemanBrI thought i saw it was reaching a milestone for eth atomic swap?
monerobull[m]Eth atomic swaps are funded and making good progress
xmr-pr[css-proposals] MaersRandy opened issue #55: domyessay
xmr-pr[css-proposals] MaersRandy opened issue #54: essayhub
xmr-pr[css-proposals] MaersRandy opened issue #56: essaypro
Lovera[m]I Need to try this 👀… Somebody already tried it?
RavFX[m]<Lovera[m]> "I Need to try this 👀… Somebody..." <- Yeah, it work!
xmr-pr[meta] SamsungGalaxyPlayer opened issue #764: Monero Meet: Tuesday 20 December 2022 at 19 UTC (2p CT)
sgp[m]It was LONG overdue to host these again! I hope to see you all there! Please message me on Matrix (or another mentioned method) if you want to join the call!
Rucknium[m]The first part of development was funded through the CCS. The second part is funded through the MAGIC Monero Fund.
ingethanks Rucknium[m]