MajesticBankwell xmr reserves are fake no doubt
plowsof11manually means they dont have to waste money on infrastructure / devs - maybe they pass the savings on to the customer in terms of reduced fees
ofrnxmr[m]<plowsof11> ""bestchange" , the names of..." <- fake supply
ofrnxmr[m]<MajesticBank> "I am more bothered some of..." <- its nonsense
ofrnxmr[m]some on their show real supply
ofrnxmr[m]cant wait to see the reviews
ofrnxmr[m]when youre on bestchange, its like trustpilot.
plowsof11dEBRUYNE: new update is out sir 🙏
dEBRUYNEplowsof11: Thanks!
Siren[m]<plowsof11> ""bestchange" , the names of..." <- Babadoescrypto
sech1This is russian exchange aggregator. I only used Exhub from that list, and Exhub is legit. They list 1881 XMR in reserves which seems realistic
boomgodzilla[m]What’s the latest on monero ? I’m trying to understand why monero’s price isn’t waaay higher than what it is? Has the tech behind its privacy feature been cracked?
ofrnxmr[m]the latest on monero
ofrnxmr[m]somone plug the news sites
redpill_[m]<boomgodzilla[m]> "What’s the latest on monero ? I..." <- Main central exchanges not selling xmr, will make it a lot harder for 'normies'
ofrnxmr[m]monero price isnt high because its not ascam
redpill_[m]In specific countries **
plowsof11not sure if rage bait
ofrnxmr[m]i know more peoplewho self custody monero AND spend it, than even know how to use btc for more than futurestrading
plowsof11News: [Monero Observer](monero.observer) - [Revuo Monero](revuo-xmr.com) - [The Monero Standard](localmonero.co/the-monero-standard) - [Monero Moon](themoneromoon.com)
boomgodzilla[m]redpill_[m]: Ok if the main exchanges not selling it it’s because they can’t control it which is a good thing … I read somewhere a long time ago that some government placed a bounty on cracking its privacy feature
ofrnxmr[m]ty plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org:
ofrnxmr[m]yeah and they still havent paid me
ofrnxmr[m]no, feds cant crack an egg
ofrnxmr[m]thats why they offer bounties
bridgerton[m]<BobbedBort> > bestchange.ru/bitcoin-to-monero.html
bridgerton[m]Protocash claims to have 594k XMR in reserves yet still trades for 0.008, look at the prices they are barely liquid
bridgerton[m]<BobbedBort> wait no that was the minimum deposit, the price comes around 0.0056 still 5% entire percent above Kraken smh