luigi1111wis some prop not showing up? I see the video one
plowsof11And merge wallet sdk / video is an empty page because of the "hey everyone" being indented luigi1111w
luigi1111wthe what
plowsof11the indentation here repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/c…ission-Concept-Video.md?plain=1#L28
plowsof11made a merge req with fix luigi1111w attempt 1
luigi1111woh I finally understand the issue
plowsof11i think an attempt 2 is required - still an empty page lol
n1ocjeffro256 full-time development 2023Q3 has moved to funding! ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/jeffro256-full-time-2023Q3.html
someoneelse49549Hi everyone, A new project just launched from our dear owner of kyun.host : reiya.io
someoneelse49549an anonymous tor relay crowdfunding (using XMR). Check it out
monerobull[m]thats pretty cool
RavFX[m]Kyun need to add "Monero node offers"
RavFX[m]like 200GB HD (that grow slowly as the blockchain grow so it never run out of space.
someoneelse49549RavFX[m]: > <@gfdshygti53:monero.social> Kyun need to add "Monero node offers"
someoneelse49549> like 200GB HD (that grow slowly as the blockchain grow so it never run out of space.
someoneelse49549I've already tried syncing monero node on its hdd
someoneelse49549they're design for high-capacity and at 70% it just become impossible to sync
RavFX[m]someoneelse49549: Maybe add like 16GB of SSD storage to fix that sync issue (LVM2 kung-fu)
someoneelse49549<RavFX[m]> "just do that : waw7epjul5..." <- oh that's cool
someoneelse49549I didn't know about that
n1ocWallet SDK for Android has moved to funding! ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/vd-wallet-sdk-android.html
n1ocVostoEmisio Animated Tail Emission Core Concept Video has moved to funding! ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/VOSTOEM…SIO-TailEmission-Concept-Video.html
r4v3r23[m]1merged :)
someoneelse49549<naphtha[m]> "> <@gfdshygti53:monero.social..." <- yeah but he propose to use a small ssd for caching. Which significantly accelerate the syncing on hdd
naphtha[m]that would mean having 2 disk images for each vm no? one hdd one ssd
naphtha[m]unless i do the caching on the host
DanrdarkIsnotthe^ rq?
RavFX[m]Doing the caching on the host would contaminate the cache (except if it's totally reserved for the VM hdd
RavFX[m]need to be specifically configured as "write cache" too
RavFX[m]What's written on the HDD is written on the cache
RavFX[m]What's read from the HDD is **not** written on the cache.
RavFX[m]That way you get 16GB+ worth of cached block (the latest one)
RavFX[m]* need to be specifically configured as "write cache" too... (full message at <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/do…a3e7cc351fdff350c30491b4add451138c8>)