xmrscott[m]Country of origin shouldn't matter much in a phone security model IMO for the everyday folk. Saudi Arabia and others are known to exploit 0 days on Americans which likely had a hand in the PGA merger. Exploits used by 5 Eyes can just as easily be used by other entities as seen with Vault 7. There are 0day merc companies like Cytrox that sell to whoever. Don't use a phone if you're truly concerned about nation state actors is the take
xmrscott[m]away. Your phone *will* get hacked if you're valuable enough to burn 0days and time on. Fortunately few if any folk here are.
xmrscott[m]If you want a phone factor where you can easily remove the cellular modem and have a hw kill switch for WiFi: Librem5
r4v3r23[m]<xmrscott[m]> "Country of origin shouldn't..." <- > <@xmrscott:monero.social> Country of origin shouldn't matter much in a phone security model IMO for the everyday folk. Saudi Arabia and others are known to exploit 0 days on Americans which likely had a hand in the PGA merger. Exploits used by 5 Eyes can... (full message at <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/do…638d404f17fd3b0f266a26df5c440630c5a>)
r4v3r23[m]<xmrscott[m]> "Country of origin shouldn't..." <- > <@xmrscott:monero.social> Country of origin shouldn't matter much in a phone security model IMO for the everyday folk. Saudi Arabia and others are known to exploit 0 days on Americans which likely had a hand in the PGA merger. Exploits used by 5 Eyes can... (full message at <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/do…29c3912304488b9cc6ae3e8a618aa6ab23e>)
r4v3r23[m]pinephones also have hardware kill switches for radio
cryptogrampy[m]At the very least, we need more options than trezor/ledger
ceetee[m]seedsigner pls. are there any updates on this plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org: ?
DanrdarkIsnottheBefore pico is obsolete
plowsof11ceetee🇧🇪: we have tweets and a teaser about a future project (hardware wallet using a pico ero) , thats the best i can offer
ceetee[m]on the twitter?
dEBRUYNEBit odd, may be worthwhile for the Monero Regulatory Workgroup to reach out
selstadEBRUYNE: it feels like they are banning and unbanning without really knowing what they are doing
xmrscott[m]Yeah... they opted for we completely operate outside of regulation so they probably don't have the builtup legal knowledge to know what is actually lawful
xmrscott[m]"Binance's CCO (chief compliance officer) "bluntly admitted to another Binance compliance officer in December 2018, 'we are operating as a fking unlicensed securities exchange in the USA bro,'" according to the lawsuit. The CCO was also quoted as saying, "We do not want [Binance].com to be regulated ever.""
DanrdarkIsnottheYeah think there going crypto only trading, no fiat
DanrdarkIsnottheDunno how thats going to workout for them
sgp[m]<xmrscott[m]> "Yeah... they opted for we..." <- > <@xmrscott:monero.social> Yeah... they opted for we completely operate outside of regulation so they probably don't have the builtup legal knowledge to know what is actually lawful
sgp[m]> "Binance's CCO (chief compliance officer) "bluntly admitted to another Binance compliance officer in December 2018, 'we are operating as a fking unlicensed securities exchange in the USA bro,'" according to the lawsuit. The CCO was also quoted as saying, "We do not want [Binance].com to be regulated ever.""
sgp[m]gah, silly
sgp[m]I wonder if CoinCenter has any contacts at all