ofrnxmr[m]Diego Salazar: liiinnnnkkkk
andrea[m]Hello guys, here is a little article of mine on chainanal and co. Enjoy :)
ZarterPleasepingDoes anyone here trust their bank?
» Mellow[m] uploaded an image: (13KiB) <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/do…creenshot_20230728_235804_Brave.jpg>
Mellow[m]<ZarterPleaseping> "Does anyone here trust their..." <- Skeptical but keep some money in it
ZarterPleasepingI want to be able to pay for stuff but not them find out what, most places don't take cash moreover if I'm online and they only take credit card?
ZarterPleasepingWhat can one do?
ZarterPleasepingI do not live in the us and can use something like privacy.com
Mellow[m]<ZarterPleaseping> "I want to be able to pay for..." <- I believe theres services that essentially lets you pay with monero... coinpay.cr, coinsbee.com, bitrefill.com
ZarterPleasepingBut I don't have a great way to get monero without kyc or my bank account
ZarterPleasepingThere is none selling for cash where I am
DanrdarkIsnottheYou got local monero or mining
DanrdarkIsnottheThey’ll only see you sending money to someone
ofrnxmr[m]<ZarterPleaseping> "There is none selling for cash..." <- Post an ad to _buy_
ofrnxmr[m]Everybody does what you do.. looks at the ads, rhen says "nobody is here"...
ofrnxmr[m]actually, there are a LOT more people "looking" than have ads up.x
ofrnxmr[m]post an ad.
ZarterPleasepingI posted an ad, let's see what happens
icycat[m]<ofrnxmr[m]> "Everybody does what you do..." <- > <@ofrnxmr:monero.social> Everybody does what you do.. looks at the ads, rhen says "nobody is here"...... (full message at <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/do…2e3cf656fa9cf9e73545255c06c02bacb16>)
DanrdarkIsnottheMove purgatory css funds to jb