m-relay<themisplacedphilosopher:matrix.org> Has the process to delist Monero on Binance started? As a part of settling money laundering charges with the SEC, Binance must have agreed to delist all privacy coins. I don't think they can avoid it. January is almost done.
plowsofdelisting binance is in progress, it is a simple 1 line deletion. just getting other things ready to be applied at the same time monero-project/monero-site #2232
BetweenUshow much GB I need for ./monerod? I run out of space
BetweenUsbtw, I think that there is a scam on monero discord
m-relay<plowsof:matrix.org> did you supply any custom args/flags to ./monerod when you ran it?
BetweenUs./monerod --data-dir
m-relay<plowsof:matrix.org> im not sure how big a pruned block chain is atm, can anyone remind us? 70GB? but if you start monerod with --prune-blockchain from the beginning
m-relay<plowsof:matrix.org> ok my advice is to delete the database and restart with --prune-blockchain, because your hard drive is currently full
m-relay<plowsof:matrix.org> data.mdb in your --data-dir location
m-relay<plowsof:matrix.org> full node which you are trying to sync is 176GB
BetweenUsm-relay: thank you very much. Uh! And with --prune-blockchain?
m-relay<k4r4b3y:karapara.net> Full node should be around 200 GB. Pruned node 1/3 of it.
m-relay<k4r4b3y:karapara.net> Oh, cool.
m-relay<plowsof:matrix.org> less then 70GB with --prune-blockchain aka a pruned node BetweenUs
BetweenUs^^^ m-relay
BetweenUsSo, I just need to add --prune-blockchain to monero node setup according to p2pool.io/#help, if I want p2pool mining?
sech1you can mine with a pruned node, but it's an independent setting. Use it to save disk space.
tenten89do anyone know a crypto more fair in mining than monero
m-relay<endor00:matrix.org> No, because there aren't