ofrnxmr" In fact, you *never* need more than 3 - the words are chosen to be unique with only their first 3 letters given. At least the CLI wallet allows you enter seeds with 3-letter groups, if I remember correctly" << i think some langs are 4 char
ofrnxmrSmh, vthor already said that. I'll shutup now
vThorNow I feel at least not anymore alone with reading top down and responding the way along. I tried so often already to make it a principle to read first and then respond, but I succeed almost never with it....
m-relay<everoddandeven:monero.social> github.com/everoddandeven/monerod-gui/releases/tag/v0.1.2-rc
m-relay<everoddandeven:monero.social> - Windows installer and portable app are now available 😃
m-relay<everoddandeven:monero.social> - Import and export monerod config file
m-relay<everoddandeven:monero.social> - Start/stop daemon/sync from tray icon
m-relay<everoddandeven:monero.social> - And more
dEBRUYNEeveroddandeven: Nice work / project!
geoniclooks awesome!
nioCatvThor 's donation address has the letter combo LSD and the current amount donated so far is 0.69
nioCatthought it was worth a mention :D
m-relay<dave.jp:matrix.org> Screenshots ?
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> no
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> jk here are some screenshots: kewbit.org/monerod-gui-by-everoddandeven
m-relay<dave.jp:matrix.org> Looks nice, when macOS ?
geoniceveroddandeven: when it starts it doesn't recognize the monerod that's already running. is this expected?
geonicwould be cool if I could paste the startup flags I use in the GUI
geonic"Blockchain size" and "Disk usage" show as 0 GB / 0% for some reason