Using windows?
Known issue on windows (bc size)
<syntheticbird:monero.social> mamma mia I'm the only one who made my reddit mod job today. Urgent needs of new r/monero mods so that I can have a life.
<alohamarkus:matrix.org> get that rottonwhip to help you
<syntheticbird:monero.social> wtf markus you literally just spawned 10 hours ago and you know about gragon man.
<alohamarkus:matrix.org> wheek*
<alohamarkus:matrix.org> wheel*
<syntheticbird:monero.social> rottenwheel
<syntheticbird:monero.social> also no rottenwheel will never want to be a reddit moderator
<alohamarkus:matrix.org> I read
<syntheticbird:monero.social> me too but I read faster
nioCat: "vThor 's donation address has the letter combo LSD and the current amount donated so far is 0.69" <- :D I ever wondered itf micro dosing realy would fix some things, or if one would be more fucked up after...
<syntheticbird:monero.social> oh i get it I read, so you read the channel and knew about gragon man
<syntheticbird:monero.social> got it got it
<alohamarkus:matrix.org> Actually I was surprised how quickly Ruccman reads, I had just finished writing a paragraph and he'd already liked it after 3 seconds 😆
<syntheticbird:monero.social> Ruccman?
<syntheticbird:monero.social> R.u.cknium ?
"mamma mia I'm the only one who made my reddit mod job today. Urgent needs of new r/monero mods so that I can have a life." <- I wonder that reddit is still a think, like they treat there users. Why people still hang there around?
<alohamarkus:matrix.org> That stats guy, he's showing up as recanman
<syntheticbird:monero.social> aaaaaah yes
<syntheticbird:monero.social> vThor trust me there are so many people in the queue. r/monero isn't dead yet
<alohamarkus:matrix.org> So I learned there is about 2500 people in here about only around 10 people speak
<syntheticbird:monero.social> I can cause a mayhem in this chat with 20+ people speaking simultaneously in only 3 sentences. don't worry about it. There are more actives periods
But you need to have some masochistic tendency to hang around in reddit, at least it seems to me like that. Although normaly there are very view places where I don't get blocked... But reddit was for me so a aweful XP that one moment I got simply mad, deleted post by post and then my account, and never looked back.
<syntheticbird:monero.social> vThor oh really not I'm really enjoying it. It has a unique XP I don't find elsewhere and I usually fit perfectly in the redditor humor so it's ok for me. Sorry that you didn't like it, but after all we're all different
Hehe, don't like that my post, comments get blocked and some crazy rules. And seems to me also that ancaps not very welcome there - but can also be only my perception. I handle things like that not very well. I have no problem with it that you have a blast there, contrary, I only have difficulties to see things from others people POV. I'm trapped in thinking I'm normal, where obviously I'm not well centered :D So that lead to my assumption it is hell for
almost everybody there...
<recanman:kernal.eu> me or Ruck?
<321bob321:monero.social> “Run as administrator” 😬
<everoddandeven:monero.social> It is expected, since it cannot be aware of monerod settings used for launching monerod. But maybe I can do something when I implement remote node management
<everoddandeven:monero.social> I need to test it on a MacOS before I release dmg/pkg build
<everoddandeven:monero.social> But you could try build it by yourself
<everoddandeven:monero.social> Alla you have to do is to invoke 'npm run electron:build'
<everoddandeven:monero.social> > <@m-relay:monero.social> <geonic> everoddandeven: when it starts it doesn't recognize the monerod that's already running. is this expected?
<everoddandeven:monero.social> It is expected, since it cannot be aware of settings/flags used for launching monerod. But maybe I can do something when I implement remote node management
<everoddandeven:monero.social> I asked SethForPrivacy for a review, after that I will start working on this
everoddandeven: I was working on this bounty and got pretty stressed out when I saw how far you was already. And had still to write a lot of code I had already in my mind. But I thought it would get ugly if I publish and claim and although spent already a long time, there was still a lot to do and in reality time vs bounty is in no relation. So I canceled it, but think in finish it later (one day). Anyway I was thinking already about the running
monerod on start, first I was thinking to get the process id's (in linux) via `ps -C monerod -o pid=` and then like `ss -H -l -p -t src | grep $(ps -C monerod -o pid=) | awk '{ print $4 }' | awk -F: '{ print $2 }'` the open ports on from that processes. And then depending config autmatic send a SIGTERM, some seconds later followed by a KILL signal and start the monerod in well known config or ask the user what to do. All is also
possible in macOS/win32 although it seems in win32 gracefully shutdown a process is not so easy/elegant while with macOS all pretty similar to linux. At the end I decided against and was opening stdout from the monero process I start to read for the log messages and also get aware of new blocks and so on, what automatically leads also to the termination of the monerod process if the application stops. Remote node managment on an unknown config could lead
to ugly sideeffects IMO. Imagine there is a monerod for testnet/stagenet running or a seperate node for whatever else, maybe the wallet wants to have a own instance for watever reason or started the process like I did in MoneroSync, you would kill the child process of another application unexpected. On win32, there should be `tasklist` and `netstat`, on macOS `pgrep` and `lsof` to query process id and open ports. on macOS you should be able like on
linux with sending a SIGTERM signal to the process to stop monerod gracefully, for win32 as said it seems to be more ugly. Hope this lines can help you further. Have success! :) Btw. I could never run a binary on kubuntu (but it seems the lts upgrade fucked up some things, because had also issue on a guix build, I didn't have in a VM with the same version)
<everoddandeven:monero.social> in fact I think that remote management of the node can only make available operations that are not related to the configuration (it is always possible to do many things, except perhaps restarting the node, changing the network type, synchronization in certain time slots, etc.)
<everoddandeven:monero.social> Thanks for your tips, they will be very useful to me
<everoddandeven:monero.social> I found a way to get the active monerod instances and their options flags, so I can deduce settings/config file from that
<everoddandeven:monero.social> So I think I can ask user if he wants to use a local instance without stopping/restarting it
<everoddandeven:monero.social> And then import settings
<aremor:matrix.org> Whatever happened to Farcaster?
<atomfried:matrix.org> It is complete and ready to operate, it also provides everything which is now imolemented in comit ... People just seem to have forgotten about it
<atomfried:matrix.org> Imo it is a shame that funds are "wasted" to reimplement stuff in comit which is already working and tested in farcaster
<aremor:matrix.org> Which pairs are supported in both?
that's awesome
re: <everoddandeven:monero.social> I found a way to get the active monerod instances and their options flags, so I can deduce settings/config file from that