m-relay<johnwarren22:matrix.org> Any Cashapp? Chime? Zelle? Btc? Usdt?Skrill? Apple Pay? Paypal? Venmo? BOA? Wells Fargo? Join my channel
m-relay<johnwarren22:matrix.org> t.me/+QqGAT2mzKLY0Y2I8
m-relay<johnwarren22:matrix.org> Got any of these Chase? BOA? Wells Fargo? Navy federal? Capital one? Truist? Att &t? PNC? TD bank? Credit union? M&T bank? Santander bank? Northwest bank? Or any other local Bank but JOIN THE CHANNEL NOW TO GET PAID Join the telegram channel✅
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> Jesus
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> any mod of r/xmrtrader?
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> we got a scam here: reddit.com/r/xmrtrader/comments/1ii…_less_than_a_month_kucoin_okx_bybit
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> please ban
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> From neromonero1024 ^
m-relay<spaceeggs:gemeinsam.jetzt> Hi. Do i understand right, that integrated addresses and payments ids is gone and the only way for merchants to accept payments is to create subaddress?
m-relay<spaceeggs:gemeinsam.jetzt> And also i would to know, is there any consequences of generating a lot of subaddresses in case my service will be spammed? Except wasting cpu time while generating address and saving it
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> They aren't gone, they are still supported
m-relay<spaceeggs:gemeinsam.jetzt> ohh, ok. So, what way is better?
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> Do you need to generate invoices on a device without access to the private view key?
m-relay<spaceeggs:gemeinsam.jetzt> No, i just need to identify which person made payment. Doesnt matter on device with access to private key or not
m-relay<spaceeggs:gemeinsam.jetzt> I mean, i can do everything with access to any private keys
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> Then I'd use subaddresses
m-relay<spaceeggs:gemeinsam.jetzt> Thank you
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> > Except wasting cpu time while generating address and saving it
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> Basically this but in case the wallet cache gets dropped, you may have to manually set your subaddress lookahead really far
m-relay<spaceeggs:gemeinsam.jetzt> Thank you
m-relay<siren:kernal.eu> github.com/moneropay/moneropay uses subaddresses for that