m-relay<yamanu:matrix.org> Hi, I'm new to this channel. A couple months ago I watched through the Breaking Monero series, and I recognized it was made a while back. Have there been any significant changes to the protocol since then (I know about the ring size increase)? Are there some new best practices that I should follow?
NorrinRaddyamanu it's mostly still relevant
m-relay<markjefferson:matrix.org> I'm looking to help just 10 individuals who are serious about earning over $100K weekly in the crypto market. Remember, I'll require just 10% of your profits once you start seeing earnings. Note: l'm only looking for serious and truly interested individuals let’s get started by asking (How) via WhatsAp: +1 (417) 332-5065
m-relay<markjefferson:matrix.org> Or
m-relay<markjefferson:matrix.org> Telegram: @mark_jefferson001
NorrinRaddmarkjefferson there's no idiots here. go search somewhere else
m-relay<yamanu:matrix.org> NorrinRadd thanks for your answer!
10 hours ago