jeffro256[m]This is the first time it has happened to me. I can try reproducing it when I get back to my computer
moneromoooplowsof: your writeup seems valid.
plowsofthanks for checking moneromoo x
one-horse-wagon[selsta: There are four (4) pull requests, including mine, in monero-project/gitian.sigs. Does anyone look at them periodically?
selstaone-horse-wagon[: TheCharlatan does, but he usually only merges once per release
one-horse-wagon[I see. O.K.
selstawe will have v0.18.1.1 soon
selstaluigi1111: do you have time for remaining merges + gui?
xmr-pr8551 8556
chch3003[m]1Is there a technical newsletter equivalent to Bitcoin Optech but for Monero ?
selstaI don't think so. Maybe monero.observer but they are not as dev focused as what you are looking for from what I can tell.
chch3003[m]1Well I am suggesting the idea then :)
niocoh great, we have a volunteer :)
moneromoooThanks nioc!
niocno, imma lurking ignorant
niocI mean the suggestor
niocI assume you figured that out
moneromoooI know, I was replaying the attack :P
moneromoooIt seemed funny at the time -_-
plowsofLol. somewhat related: monero observer does roundups of github activity for monero related repositories (isses/pr's) and also meeting summaries
chch3003[m]1Haha I was just launching the idea :p
Guest3262Hello everyone, i using a monero node in testnet but i have an issue. If someone have few minutes to help please :)
selstaGuest3262: just explain your issue
Guest3262I think i found my answer. Thanks you guys