nikg83[m]With seraphis update can monero have ability to work with layer2 solution ?
UkoeHBnikg83[m]: not that I know if
UkoeHBthere is paymo eprint.iacr.org/2020/1441.pdf but it uses PoW-based timelocks
nikg83[m]UkoeHB: Is this being looked into or it’s just a paper for now ?
UkoeHBnikg83[m]: it's just a paper that has been around a while
nikg83[m]UkoeHB: I don’t understand much of that paper, does it need change in monero code (some requirement) ? Which can be done during seraphis update ?
nikg83[m]I guess we need this paper reviewed once seraphis audits are done
UkoeHBNo idea
Rucknium[m]nikg83: There are at least three papers proposing Monero payment channels. No implementations yet. Payment channels acting as networked 2nd layers have privacy problems that have no known solutions. I'm personally not optimistic on them.
xmr-prj-berman opened issue #8670: Wallet can miss processing spend txs in the pool
jozsef[m]"low tx rates, high tx fees, and long confirmation times" - really?
moneromooooThese are all subjective, so not useful. You can check recent tx rate and tx fees with bc_dyn_stats 1000. Confirmation times are typically around 2 minutes.
moneromoooo(for tx fees, you've got to multiplty the base fee by ~1300 or so, the size of a typical tx)
xmr-prGingeropolous opened pull request #8671: update readme with v0.18.1.2 version number
hyclooks shady, possible backdoor