jeffro256[m]Does it not just use memcmp() underneath?
M0xffc[m]<spirobel[m]> "> <@chakra_:libera.chat> Hi..." <- > <@spirobel[m]:libera.chat> > <@chakra_:libera.chat> Hi, if another clone of monero was written in Rust, do you think it will be accepted by the Monero team and community ?
M0xffc[m]> it is already happening. You are welcome to join the efforts. The respective projects are the monero rust crate, cuprate, monero-serai and the monero fmp repo. There is also AcceptXMR. Did I miss any?
M0xffc[m]Quick question, from your personal estimation, it is just a hobby-experiment, or do you think it does have a good chance of eventually becoming the default Monero distribution?
» M0xffc[m] prefers Modern C++. But has nothing against Rust too!
M0xffc[m]Anybody tried github.com/NASA-SW-VnV/ikos on Monero? Oh boy, this seems interesting.