guessworki'm looking to learn about the keys in monero, but i am missing something
guessworki take the secret key from monero and use another tool to generate a public key from it
guessworkbut this then doesn't match the public key from monero
TheEpTicMonero keys are very complex, there's a white paper on it I believe or you could find a youtube video that explains it too. Alternatively, someone with a lot of knowledge will eventually come through and blow your mind haha
moneromooooAre you asking us to understand what that other tool does differently than monero ?
guessworkno. the other tool is only deriving an ed25519 pubkey from an ed25519 private key
guessworkand so it appears the ones from monero aren't exactly ed25519 keys as they're displayed i guess
moneromooooYou might have confused endianness, depending on how you get that key.
guessworkmonero's is little-endian right?
moneromoooomost significant byte at the end.
moneromooooI believe this is the opposite of Bitcoin.
guessworkyou think if i turn around whatever the viewkey command tells me, generate a public key from it, turn it back around, i might get a matching result?
guessworkactually i am working with the hex strings so that probably doesn't make sense
moneromooooMaybe. It's worth a shot based on what you said.
guessworkchanging endianness didn't resolve this
guessworkrecap: i output the viewkey in monero-cli, then i copy the secret key that it tells me
guessworkthen i read the secret key as ed25519 into openssl and tell it to give me the corresponding public key
guessworkthen the public key i get does not match the public key that monero-cli showed me alongside the secret key in the beginning