m-relay<ctian:matrix.org> Hi, as a senior full-stack developer, I have extensive experience in front-end and back-end development and can ensure high code quality. I can help you at an hourly rate of $25-30/hr. I can work remotely for more than 40 hours a week and can work whenever you want. What I want is to have a good partnership with you.
sech1Being able to work for more than 40 hours of week only means you will burn out and the quality of your work will drop. It's not something to be proud of. Also, Monero is not a company and doesn't have a CEO, most people here are unpaid. The only paid option is ccs.getmonero.org but you have to come up with a concrete plan and schedule of
sech1what you will do and explain how it will help Monero. Then, if people crowdfund what you ask to be paid, you can start working and know that you will be paid.
m-relay<123bob123:matrix.org> Fluffy =ceo *
m-relay<r4v3r23:monero.social> so v0.18.3.1 is the official release build?
sech1Yes, if no one finds another bug in People are testing it now, you can test it too
m-relay<r4v3r23:monero.social> i am testing it on android wallet
m-relay<woodser:monero.social> is working for me
moneromooooFor me too (daemon only at least).
m-relay<r4v3r23:monero.social> all good on android
sech1I run two v0.18.3.1 nodes and use monero-wallet-cli v0.18.3.1, all good so far
rbrunnerIt reorganized, it blocked, it increased mapsize, all good here :)
m-relay<plowsof:matrix.org> logs seem ok, never seen a "mined block failed verification" message though