m-relay<omnero376:matrix.org> you can send a specific output with sweep_single. it's a bit annoying to have to get the key image and paste it
xmr-prMinecon724 opened issue #9066: openalias starting with any digit is invalid
m-relay<omnero376:matrix.org> qubes/whonix has 1.5 year old version of monero, still has the 10 block decoy selection bug...
m-relay<plowsof:matrix.org> it is not maintained anymore. flatpak from flathub is now recommended kicksecure.com/wiki/Monero
m-relay<plowsof:matrix.org> continue in #monero as offtopic for dev
xmr-prdgiff802 opened issue #9067: Troubleshooting monerod, pauses at 2688969 finds no new blocks