m-relay<dark_sky:monero.social> Is anyone aware of any rust project using RandomX, bindings , etc... ?
m-relay<boog900:monero.social> github.com/tari-project/randomx-rs
parazydHey I'm doing some experiments with a regtest and solomining with my own proxy
parazydMonerod gives me a difficulty of "2568" and when I proxy the getblocktemplate to xmrig, I also see diff "2568" in xmrig
parazydHowever upon submitting a block, monerod logs: does not have enough proof of work: <hash> at height 2000001, unexpected difficulty: 2568
parazydAnd the block verification fails
parazydAnyone got an idea why this is happening?
parazydPerhaps relevant, I'm removing `extra_nonce` from xmrig's getblocktemplate request and replacing it with `reserve_size`
sech1if you modify xmrig's request, maybe you get a response that xmrig doesn't expect, and it computes wrong hashes.
parazydsech1: I am not modifying the difficulty though, and monerod says that it fails block verification with "unexpected difficulty". Could that error be misleading?
parazydIt's xmrig in daemon mode. What's the assumption in xmrig with its `extra_nonce` that it's sending as part of the getblocktemplate request?
parazydI doubt it should be trying to include that in the mined block in any way, since it's not building a block on its own, rather should be mining the one that it gets as a getblocktemplate response
parazydMy proxy is modifying blocktemplate_blob and then also updating the blockhashing_blob
sech1Maybe you calculate blockhashing_blob wrong
sech1xmrig expects extra_nonce to be 8 bytes
sech1Try to check if you get the same hashing blob if you don't modify the template
parazydhm interesting, the Rust code prepends a byte
parazydPossibly VarInt
sech1monero-rs has a lot of bugs, especially in the rarely used parts of the code
parazydWell it's free software, so we can fix it :)
parazydsech1: Thanks for the pointer, it works with this change: monero-rs/monero-rs #194/files
parazyd(Removing the prepended VarInt)