rbrunnerI am trying to do initial blockchain sync, with self-compiled latest master, on OpenBSD 7.4
rbrunnerThere is a problem that syncing gets slower and slower, until over the course of about 1 hour you can hardly move the X cursor anymore, and echo of single characters on the monerod console takes a minute or so
rbrunnerIt looks to me like the first suspicion of a memory leak is not the answer because "top" shows an almost constant memory use of about half a gig for monerod
rbrunnerIf I still manage to exit monerod (still possible after about 1 hour, after 2 hours the systems seems to be frozen completely) everything returns to normal
rbrunnerand then after a restart syncing resumes and is fast again
rbrunnerfor about 1 hour. Rinse and repeat.
rbrunnerAny idea?
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> 01GXQ7PK2DK0KQX35H8D6MZ5ES.gif
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> cry about it
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> This would require flamegraph I think
selstarbrunner: reddit.com/r/openbsd/comments/txdt4o/comment/i3orkh0 related?
SyntheticBirdRelated to BP+ optimization discussion brought by ArticMine. Is the actual implementation making use of SIMD ? If yes up to which one, SSE2 ? SSE4x ? AVX2 ?
rbrunnerselsta: Thanks. Not sure, but it gave me ideas what to try next.
SyntheticBirdChecking crypto/crypto-ops.c, I would like to believe the compiler vectorize the work. But I'm not entirely sure
moneromooosrc/ringct/bullet*. Building blocks are crypto-ops.c, but I would touch src/ringct first.
moneromoooThe multiexp is a large part of the processing. Multiprocessing would be a better performance/work ratio to go for first.
moneromoooThere's a version of the stuff from crypto-ops for the wallet which uses asm (can't recall whether SIMD, but likely), it did not replace those ops for the node due to fork concerns.
SyntheticBirdalr. thx for the link