m-relay<hardenedsteel:monero.social> are these answers still up to date? monero.stackexchange.com/questions/…art-of-the-daemon-rpc-is-restricted
m-relay<hardenedsteel:monero.social> how risky to share unrestricted RPC node to someone else?
m-relay<recanman:agoradesk.com> Pretty much, yeah. Same risks
m-relay<hardenedsteel:monero.social> > If the RPC is used to retrieve information not dependent on any spending, consider using a view-only to prevent abuse.
m-relay<hardenedsteel:monero.social> getmonero.dev/docs/interacting/mone…rence.html#linux-production-example
m-relay<hardenedsteel:monero.social> can someone spend the coins using unrestricted RPC?
m-relay<recanman:agoradesk.com> I would say yes, with the `transfer` method
m-relay<recanman:agoradesk.com> getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/wallet-rpc.html#transfer
plowsofMeowingCat #monero-community for ccs proposal discussion
m-relay<f:monero.social> Creating a stagenet wallet from CLI with `--offline --restore-date "$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"` sets `refresh-from-block-height` about 3.7 days (~2660 blocks in my test) into the future, so that no `refresh` or rescan ever causes the funds to be found.
m-relay<f:monero.social> I have also been wondering why an explicit `refresh 0` (or similar) will still respect the configured limit.
selstastagenet wallet restore height will be fixed in the next release
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> Confirming on a different channel that I am infact renewing my GPG key: monero-project/monero #9326
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> @selsta seems like there is windows CI build issues: monero-project/monero #9326, monero-project/monero #9326
selstaluigi has to do merges to get it fixed
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> kk cool thanks for being on top of it