selstavtnerd: any idea about the woodser report of transaction issue with monero-project/monero #9765
selstawhile this touches abstract_tcp_server, it should not impact P2P at all if I understand it correctly, only RPC
m-relay<vtnerd:monero.social> Looking at this afternoon, got no ideas so far, other than silently hoping it's another wait timer issue
m-relay<vtnerd:monero.social> I'll contact woodser again so I can try the test environment locally, so far I've only looked at the test file
m-relay<vtnerd:monero.social> I realize this is holding up release, so this is high priority
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> There is another PR holding up release fwiw
m-relay<vtnerd:monero.social> Given that we have a test for tx propagation, I'm a little unsure what the issue could be
m-relay<vtnerd:monero.social> Ah, don't feel so bad then
edgzoahHello i am trying to create transaction for a monero light weight wallet using monero cpp code without synchronising the wallet because (it takes too long), i get all the data from lightweight wallet like random outs etc. and i have seen in code that there are if statements checking if the wallet is lightweight, can i open the lightweight wallet in
edgzoahmonero-cpp code (i am now using wallet->load(wallet_path, pass) but it has to sync because its the normal wallet type). Okay so the main question is based on that if statements can i create a transaction with create_transactions_2 function with the lightweight wallet instance that is synced but on, in this case on monero-lws
edgzoah(github.com/vtnerd/monero-lws) or can someone please help me with functions used to operate light wallets
edgzoahthanks in advance to anyone
m-relay<woodser:monero.social> monero-cpp doesn't support light wallets at all currently, but there's a pr open from everoddandeven to add a light wallet client which connects to monero-lws: woodser/monero-cpp #73
m-relay<woodser:monero.social> and it needs testing
edgzoahthanks, will check it out
edgzoahwait, does it have the transaction creation?
edgzoahbecause it looks to me that it just has connection to the lws api and nothing else
an hour ago