m-relay<not_a_money_printer:matrix.org> I have heard the main gui did not add atomic swap because of legal risk?
m-relay<not_a_money_printer:matrix.org> What if we make a place like plugin market place, and allow user to install their own extension, like coin join and atomic swap for btc?
m-relay<not_a_money_printer:matrix.org> And pretend all these extensions are developed by third parties and not the offical devs?
ofrnxmrOff topic for this channel, but afaik no, adding atomic swaps has never been a subject. You're probably thinking of feather
m-relay<marigi:matrix.org> Привіт усім українцям.
m-relay<marigi:matrix.org> Хочу запропонувати вам послугу по викупу китайських товарів з внутрішніх сайтів Китаю. І доставкою в Україну.
m-relay<marigi:matrix.org> Вигідна ціна ,пошук товару по фото
m-relay<marigi:matrix.org> Проходьте в telegram
m-relay<marigi:matrix.org> t.me/+Ieeop6eb1D5kMDhi
selstajeffro256: can you take a look at monero-project/monero #9740#issuecomment-2708859310 ?
selstaalso is it good to merge afterwards? jberman approved the master branch PR
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> inb4 new release next week
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> As long as the reviews are done, I'm done with #9135. Would be ideal to get one last approval from @vtnerd
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> Then I'll sync the release PR to the master PR
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> So ideally 1) vtnerd review on #9135, 2) changes if necessary, 3) j-berman re-approval if changes in 2, 4) squash, 5) rebase for release-v0.18
23 minutes ago