m-relay<camping2822:matrix.org> Qubic’s mining XMR with their setup, thoughts?
m-relay<camping2822:matrix.org> Hey Monero team, Qubic’s mining XMR with UPoW and burning it as Qubic. You good with that?
m-relay<detherminal:monero.social> What is the maximum number of blocks for `get_blocks_by_height.bin`?
m-relay<detherminal:monero.social> What is the maximum number of blocks for `get_blocks_by_height.bin`?
m-relay<rbrunner7:monero.social> camping2822: Monero mining is permissionless, and a hash is a hash. So yeah, I am good with that.
m-relay<rbrunner7:monero.social> Found this for background info: youtube.com/watch?v=8fJozupZ7Pk
m-relay<rbrunner7:monero.social> But, well, just saw we are in the dev channel, sorry for answering something quite off-topic
11 minutes ago