selsta.merge+ 3917
selstabilbo79[m]: i mean you just delete the file
selstaor folder
bilbo79[m]selsta: Thanks, but can you give me any more detail? What is the name of the file/folder to delete? I have searched for "monero", "gui", and "17.3.1" and "17.3.2"?
moneromoootry: monero\*
moneromoooBut surely you know better than us where you put it :)
selstalook into your downloads folder maybe
selstait is where you put it after unpacking
selstathe name is usually monero-gui-v0.17.3.1
bilbo79[m]Ok, I downloaded and it's in my downloads folder. Before i install it - How do I delete ?
selstahow do you currently open v0.17.3.1?
jeffro256[m]bilbo79 Since you have ubuntu, run the following commands:
jeffro256[m]`sudo apt install mlocate`
jeffro256[m]`locate monero-gui.desktop`
bilbo79[m]selsta: Applications folder
bilbo79[m]jeffro256: Thanks, it was in my applications folder! Used rm -r to delete it. As I said, I'm very new to this. Thanks!
bilbo79[m]selsta: Thanks!
selstaok yea basically you can't do anything wrong
selstaas there is no real installation process