selstaForeverNoob[m]: your tx is not in my mempool, I just checked
selstaoldest tx is 1 minute old
ForeverNoob[m]Those double-spend errors also seem to appear immediately after sending the tx, so that would kinda make sense.
selstarestore from seed and send from my node
selstaeverything should work fine, if not then we have to search further
ForeverNoob[m]Just wanted to head to bed when I saw this:... (full message at libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/do…5e31e52c503ee22e0aa80b61810d78ec38a)
selstayou can ignore it
selstaassuming you are still connected?
ForeverNoob[m]No I wasn't, but afterwards I just switched nodes and it got connected again.
selstadid you select advanced mode? or still simple mode?
selstaselsta2.featherwallet.net:18081 is mine
ForeverNoob[m]Yeah I notice that yours does not really throttle all too much and I'm able to process blocks much quicker than other nodes I tried.
ForeverNoob[m]selsta: After restoring the seed again I managed to make successful txs. Thanks!
ForeverNoob[m]> <@forevernoob:matrix.org> Heh, a funny story about that...... (full message at libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/do…2083a753d272d2a9af72de411ee0ba1e2f8)
ForeverNoob[m]So if you delete `/run/user/1000/doc/6901d12/wallet.keys`, thinking it's a copy of the actual `.keys` file, then that would be a BIG mistake :)
ForeverNoob[m](Because it apparently deletes the original `.keys` file if you delete that file)
moneromooo"I didn't think there'd be a round in the chamber when I shot him"
ForeverNoob[m]Yep, that's why it's always useful to have a backup of that guy or at least be able to restore him from a seed.
BigmenPixel[m]<selsta> "BigmenPixel: is there a specific..." <- flathub/org.getmonero.Monero, but I don't know what I can do with it.