xmr-pr3734 3973 3978 3985 3988 3994 3995
selsta.merge+ 3998
selstaluigi1111w: these also need a merge and then tag
xmr-pr3734 3973 3978 3985 3988 3994 3995 3998
selstaluigi1111w: want to wait 1h and then tag?
selstawaiting for CI first
selstaif you don't have time now is ok too
selstaluigi1111w: found an issue, glad we didn't tag yet :D
selsta.merge+ 3999
selstacan you abort all of these github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/actions and then merge 3999?
mystery88[m]Does the Intel version on a macos Apple M1 will work? Thanks!
luigi1111wthey don't cancel
luigi1111wat least most of them
selstaluigi1111w: it takes a bit until they cancel
selstamystery88[m]: yes
luigi1111wyeah looks like they did
mystery88[m]selsta: :)
selstamystery88[m]: unless you use macOS 13 beta
mystery88[m]I have tha latest version
mystery88[m]Can i intall the latest version on top of an older one?
mystery88[m]Super! Thanks a lot!
mystery88[m]Just installed the Monero GUI latest version and got that while trying to log in
» mystery88[m] uploaded an image: (98KiB) <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/do…02022-08-10%20at%203.58.28%20PM.png>
selstasorry, for Ledger you need v0.18.1.0 together with Ledger app v1.8.0
mystery88[m]Did check if there was an update for the ledger with the ledger app and no updates provided
selstaboth will be released the next days, in time before the HF
selstayou can continue to use v0.17.3.2 for now or v0.18.0.0 without Ledger
selstayou can use both apps side by side
mystery88[m]ok. Thanks!
mystery88[m]I did instal the latest on top of the oldest. Glad i dont need to do transactions....
selstain case you need to do a transaction
mystery88[m]Ok! Thank you very much! Much appreciated!
monerobull[m]Next time there probably should be a warning
selstamonerobull[m]: where exactly?
nikg83[m]selsta: Downloads page or release notes
selstaluigi1111w: good to tag now