BigmenPixel[m]selsta: arm64 build more than 6 hours and GitHub CI stops a job. Could this problem be solved in the monero-gui repo?
selstaWe cross compile to Android and it takes about 2h, 6h sounds like something is wrong.
selstamonero-gui repo has the same 6h limit
BigmenPixel[m]selsta: It build in a qemu vm.
selstaor how would you solve it?
BigmenPixel[m]selsta: I don't know. Probably by using something other than vm...
selstaare you sure it doesn't get stuck somewhere? is there log output showing it progresses?
BigmenPixel[m]selsta: It simply builds too slow, I think a vm is cause.
BigmenPixel[m]But I can give you a log after I start it again if you want.
selstaok i'm curious to see how far it progresses
selstatobtoht[m]1: i think you have used qemu for feather, does over 6h make sense?
selstaBigmenPixel[m]: did you build with -j3?
BigmenPixel[m]selsta: OK, I will give you it tomorrow. :)
BigmenPixel[m]selsta: I didn't change it
BigmenPixel[m]> <@selsta:libera.chat> BigmenPixel: did you build with -j3?
BigmenPixel[m]* I didn't change it.
selstawhat is the default?
selstaif it's -j1 by default you can try -j3
BigmenPixel[m]selsta: I would know. :)
BigmenPixel[m]selsta: OK, I will try.
BigmenPixel[m]It uses as much as there are cores.
tobtoht[m]1selsta: 6+ hours sounds plausible on qemu if emulated
tobtoht[m]1bigmenpixel: why is qemu used? can you link to the ci config?