selstasech1: they confirmed again that v0.18.3.1 crashes and v0.18.2.2 works.. monero-project/monero 1d1d5fb is the only randomx change between these versions
selstalooks quite harmless
selstawill also ask them to try master build so that we can rule out some antivirus that kills it based on the program hash
sech1I found a similar problem webcache.googleusercontent.com/sear…ewtopic.php%3Ft%3D69408&hl=en&gl=se
sech1"It looks like the issue is that you cannot move immediately from a shared lock to an exclusive lock? This doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but when I changed my code to using exclusive locks only, the problem seems to have disappeared."
sech1Microsoft documentation doesn't say anything about it, so I suspect the real problem is somewhere else
sech1I'll try to run monerod under learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-h…rivers/devtest/application-verifier
sech1maybe some Windows API is called incorrectly somewhere, and other changes in triggered the bug. App verifier can help