m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Yes, I have a M1 like the others
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Maybe closeWallet has some async issue. It doesnt wait for wallet to close and callback is called right away
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Put that code into chatgpt, he will found out hehe
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Can someone explain why some of my txs shows "Unknown amount" ?
m-relay<plowsof:matrix.org> the amounts are not on the blockchain, only stored in the wallet cache, so you if restore the wallet / delete the cache / make the transfer from another instance of the wallet you'll see unknown amount for those cases
m-relay<rbrunner7:monero.social> plowsof, maybe you confuse that with "destination addresses are only in the wallet cache and not recoverable from the blockchain"? In no way are any amounts allowed to be missing in the blockchain. No idea why a wallet should show "unknown amount", never experienced that myself, but the reason can't be "missing amount on the blockchain" if you ask me
plowsofrbrunner7 apologies, not fully awake lol
plowsoflet me try again, unknown amount is usually a result of a wallet not correctly synced / or missing some key images,, an incorrect sync height?
m-relay<ofrnxmr:monero.social> In gui its some weird bug iirc
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> My wallet was fully sync