hycselsta: this is your PR branch
hyc89% 2674083 / 3001801 now. CPU use is up so it's actually verifying things now
hycReceived 101279858683 bytes (94.32 GB) in 12511521 packets in 1.2 days, average 928.62 kB/s = 11.34% of the limit of 8.00 MB/s
hycSent 98564703 bytes (94.00 MB) in 89665 packets in 1.2 days, average 925 B/s = 0.04% of the limit of 2.00 MB/s
hyc94MB seems like a lot of sent traffic considering all it's doing is syncing from an --add-exclusive-node on the LAN
plowsofthis "isnt a big deal as this is something that is called once every ~3 days and we're talking about speeding up by a few hundred of milliseconds, " but worth a look reddit.com/r/MoneroMining/comments/…312_improved_randomx_initialization
sech1I commented there
selstahyc: I have two open, one for master and one for release
selstaif you use the release branch it will have more up to date checkpoints
selstawe update the checkpoints in master branch less regularly
hycwell I used your branch for PR9028
selstayea that's from master branch which misses recent checkpoints. if you switch to release-v0.18 it should sync up faster.
selstaor 9029
hycI'm in no hurry .might as well put this CPU thru its paces
hycit seems to now be syncing 2 blocks/second
hychm, a few more days to go at this rate
hycmeh. I built the v0.18 patch ;)
hyc20 blocks/sec now
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Hello! Can someone explain the purpose of the recent RandomX update?
selstawhich update exactly? the one proposed for a future network upgrade?
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> RandomX 1.2
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> I was watching twitter.com/monerotopia/status/1716484637374177574
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> He talks about it but doesn't really know what it is about
selstait fixes a bug on macOS ARM that could result in a crash and it added optimized support for RISC-V CPUs
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Ok thank you :)
hycgah. my sync failed at 95%, hard error on the SSD.
hycbad sectors
m-relay<recanman:agoradesk.com> Backup everything while you can (if you haven't already)
m-relay<recanman:agoradesk.com> SSDs will die very quickly once they show any signs of failures
hycyeah. it's an ld 500GB one, it's been beaten on for a long time
m-relay<recanman:agoradesk.com> Good luck