gingeropolousi wonder if the image on slide 19 can be actually created.
gingeropolousi know what they present is a cartoon to demonstrate fundamental differences
gingeropoloushowever, i would surmise that the actual curve for a decoy approach flattens out at some point.
gingeropolousi.e., the amount of "privacy", if that is a quantifiable term, is probably no different between 1024 decoys and 1024*n decoys
gingeropolousi wonder where i picked up the word surmise
UkoeHBThe graph is a plot of tx size vs anonymity set size
UkoeHBnot privacy
gingeropolousi sees a privacy arrow on the x axis
UkoeHBit's just saying privacy generally increases as anonymity set size increases
gingeropolousright. my point was, it might be interesting to actually try and analyze that. if "measuring privacy" is possible.
gingeropolousbecause, if so, we could possibly find a number for the maximum-benefit-gained-from-ringsize-increases number, and say with mathemagical confidence that there's no good reason to increase ringsize beyond n
UkoeHBI doubt anything less than 'all the outputs' can be considered good enough.