Rucknium[m]<carrington[m]> "Is there support for an MRL..." <- If within one hour no one makes a GitHub issue for that meeting time, then I will do it.
Halver[m]<isthmus> "Looks like the disproportionatel..." <- isthmus: thanks for the histogram. Where did you get the data from ?
Rucknium[m]Ok I posted the meeting:
Rucknium[m]Time: Wed 15 September 2021 @ 17:00 UTC... (full message at libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/do…302e34a0f69e91a634c7e0f20a89458c73e)
jberman[m]Adding topic: removing/fixing/encrypting unlock time (monero-project/research-lab #78) [it also affects binning]
utxobr[m]ha, just got this brought up to my attention octo.vmware.com/blinder-new-anonymous-communications-network (eprint.iacr.org/2020/248.pdf)
utxobr[m](I believe there are some "not so correct" statements about monero in the paper)