gingeropolousisthmus[m], mebbe pooled mining?
wfaressuissiaNothing interesting is solution based on unverifiable centralized information and attack for clear-net. The final goal is to work behind anonymization network which allows cheap identity rotation, everything else is BS.
malinero"unverifiable centralized information" ?
wfaressuissia"github.com/rrybarczyk/asmap-rs -> data.ris.ripe.net/rrc22/2021.09" these every 5 minutes updates of IP->tag map aren't verifiable
wfaressuissiaAnd even they would be verifiable nothing stops someone to use many front-ends nodes in order to bypass this new magic peer selection
malinerowfaressuissia: theoretically speaking, anyone could generate these data, nope ?
wfaressuissiano, judging by that rust repo; otherwise they would write some crawler or generator instead of downloader from third party entity
malinerook, thanks :)
isthmusPlaying around with some data from @neptune, visualizing the timing relationship between when outputs are created (y-axis) and then later referenced in rings (x-axis)
isthmusThe vertical banding is due to the weekly variability in Monero transaction volume, and is thus not significant. (I'm working on normalization methods to remove the 'seasonality')
wfaressuissiaI was watching some old conference video and noticed you isthmus walking in front of camera :D
isthmusHaha oops!
isthmusThe horizontal banding and 'ant farm' style veins at the upper left are interesting though...
isthmusAh and you can use the dots at the top to get a sense of scale, they (conveniently) show week spacing
» isthmus zooms in on x/y/color to check out the ant farm
Rucknium[m]So interesting. It's probably services or exchanges or mining pools doing something.
Rucknium[m]This thing looks like it came out of a fax machine
Rucknium[m]with failing toner
hycheh yeah a dying thermal printer
carrington[m]Is there support for an MRL meeting this coming Wednesday at 17:00 UTC? (was mentioned earlier in the scroll back)
UkoeHByes I think so
Rucknium[m]There seems to be a ton to discuss. I'm not sure why we wouldn't have a meeting, unless there is an issue with scheduling conflicts or something.
isthmusLooks like the disproportionately large number of txns with N=11 outputs continues, this is 2021 YTD data
UkoeHBsome pool software?
Ingewhy would they do 11 and not 16?
UkoeHB10 + change