m-relay<wrightpt1:matrix.org> Zero KNowledge Proofs = ZNP
m-relay<kayabanerve:matrix.org> > fully private
m-relay<kayabanerve:matrix.org> > TEEs
m-relay<kayabanerve:matrix.org> D:
m-relay<kayabanerve:matrix.org> wrightpt1: As a rule of thumb, if someone tells you they're doing privacy with TEEs, they're a grifter.
m-relay<hbs:matrix.org> Secret's master key has been compromised in the past, giving basically access to the "secret contract interactions" which happened in the secret enclave. Read more here reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/s/V0wAmzwxFM
m-relay<atomfried:matrix.org> twitter.com/BITMAINtech/status/1695783295806775605
m-relay<atomfried:matrix.org> is this some kind of scam, aprils fool i felt for or did they manage to produce a RandomX ASIC?
slave_blockeris not true
slave_blockerplease stop saying that
slave_blockermakes no sense!
niocThey do not use the term asic and it is around as efficient as current cpus
m-relay<endor00:matrix.org> slave_blocker it's gonna be like this for a while, until *everyone* has finally asked the same question and got the same answer...
m-relay<rucknium:monero.social> atomfried: Consensus seems to be it is just many CPUs in the same box: libera.monerologs.net/monero-pow/20230827
m-relay<atomfried:matrix.org> oh ok sorry then
selstaalso let's continue PoW discussion in #monero-pow
m-relay<endor00:matrix.org> Note how even their message says "professional miner", and not "asic"
slave_blocker212 K????