<jeffro256:monero.social> tevador, after working on implementing the dynamic view tags and spending a lot of time thinking about it, I think the benefits to them might not be worth all of the headache with the implementation details. Specifically, to do this *right*, we need to be able to delegate finalizing the dynamic view tag bits until when the membership proofs are made since the view tag size depends<clipped messag
<jeffro256:monero.social> on the current state of the chain. That means that either 1) the view tags can't be signed, 2) the view tags can be signed but not part of the tx prefix 3) the signer can construct and sign the same transaction for all possible values of view tag size or 4) something else that I'm not thinking
<jeffro256:monero.social> I think that we're better off with two view fixed-size view tags, but not necessarily in the way I originally meant before we started the dynamic view tag discussion
<jeffro256:monero.social> Let's call the two private keys involved with view scanning `d_af` (assist-filter) and `d_vr` (view-received). As long as we need knowledge of `d_af` to calculate *both* view tags, and also need knowledge of `d_vr` to calculate the second view tag, but only need knowledge of `d_vr` to calculate the plain sender-receiver secret key, users have every reason to not only give away `d_<clipped messag
<jeffro256:monero.social> vr`since they will have absolutely no plain enote privacy, but they will also need 100% chain bandwidth
<jeffro256:monero.social> At this point tho, the second view tag functions just like the address tag hint would but slightly more optimized since you don't need a Twofish op to check it
jeffro256: tx fees also depend on the current state of the chain, yet are signed
<plowsof:matrix.org> perhaps the comments here could benefit from some "pro dynamic viewtag" propaganda
<rbrunner7:monero.social> Yeah, the comments go more "contra" so far, also the current state of the poll
I don't have a reddit account anymore
<rbrunner7:monero.social> Forgive me if this is nonsense or does not fit, but if you write a commentary or statement here or in the gist, I could carry it over for you
<rbrunner7:monero.social> Of course a *very* varied public there on Reddit, and it's a quite technical question to make a poll for anyway.
<rbrunner7:monero.social> On the other hand, a bit more publicity there about what happens in the MRL can hardly do harm, no?
<rbrunner7:monero.social> Thanks, will link to it on the Reddit thread.
Making a reddit poll for highly technical issues is like having a Brexit referendum...
<rbrunner7:monero.social> Yeah, I hear you. On the other hand didn't the Brexit referendum suffer from insufficient and even misleading info to the broad public?
One might even say straight faced lying. Though I suppose when you have the daily mail spouting shit daily for twenty years, you've been thinking the lies are true since birth so...
Not that it's only the mail. Johnson himself bullshits like it's second nature (it's his first). The ERG are a bunch of lying self interested bastards basically wanting empire back and ready to trash the UK for a stab at glory.
Yep, people will read the top comment (or the front page of their favorite newspaper) and vote based on that.
<rbrunner7:monero.social> We will bring them Monero, and then things get better :)