m-relay<hushrom:matrix.org> Hey there, I am a computer science student who's looking for an undergraduate research projects related to cryptography, I'm still thinking of whether I could do design or implementation. Are there any topics I could do research on that could also benefit Monero and it's community?
m-relay<ajs_:matrix.org> dark: hello, welcome
m-relay<ajs_:matrix.org> here are some open research questions monero-project/research-lab #94
m-relay<ajs_:matrix.org> you could also take a look here for recent relevant papers moneroresearch.info
m-relay<rbrunner7:monero.social> dark: What's the approximate time budget for such possible research work of yours?
m-relay<rucknium:monero.social> dark: Do something with atomic swaps or payment channels. Atomic swaps and payment channels with Monero are related problems.
m-relay<rucknium:monero.social> AFAIK, most if not all usable XMR<>BTC atomic swap implementations are based on Gugger (2020). You could write code for one of the other proposed protocols. Search "swap" here for those papers: moneroresearch.info
m-relay<rucknium:monero.social> Search "channels" there for payment channel papers.
m-relay<rucknium:monero.social> If you want to implement atomic swaps with a coin that doesn't have it yet, you could try BCH. bitcoincashautist has done most of the theoretical protocol work. And there is a 10 XMR bounty for it: bounties.monero.social/posts/37/10-501m-bch-xmr-atomic-swaps
m-relay<rucknium:monero.social> Or you could do it with LTC, but I think it's exactly the same as with BTC since Gugger (2020) uses SegWit. LTC has SegWit like BTC.