m-relay<123bob123:matrix.org> File versioning?
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Rpc api versioning
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> The version of monero daemon etc
m-relay<rbrunner7:monero.social> There never was a real need to version the RPC interfaces, and then the corresponding documentation. In all cases I saw in the last few years it was possible to keep things compatible, and the only info needed was "This call, or this parameter, or this behaviour of the the call, is available from daemon version x.y.z onwards".
m-relay<rbrunner7:monero.social> The *real* struggle so far was to the keep the documentation current, e.g. add a new call to the documentation after somebody implemented one. So, it should be dead simple to add something, please don't put up any additional hurdle compared with today in a well-meaning attempt to improve something where improvement would be a bit overkill in our particular case.
m-relay<rbrunner7:monero.social> Don't get me wrong, many good ideas floated here, and good ideas to consider *if* things were bigger or more complicated than in our case.
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Oh ok, if we are talking about documenting two APIs (daemon and wallet) that don't change much between versions, I don't know why we even have a debate.
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/…ero.social/OBVYNHkBhBQlAxAMPXuhbsnW
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/…ero.social/tGpfzbIimCwaiHDxCBRyMiwg
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Guys, I am trying an other font (fonts.google.com/specimen/Plus+Jakarta+Sans?query=Plus+Jakarta+Sans) recommended by Hammermann for body text
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> First screen => PlusJakartaSans
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Second screen => Inter
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Let me know if you have a pref
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Even if less stylish I think Inter is easier to read
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Damn, this corporate look and feel scares me even more than dark mode z.cash
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> We really have to avoid doing the same. Hopefully we don't.
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> Why the Coinbase logo in link preview lol
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> And even if the website has some cool css tricks, I don't find it pleasant to the eye, I would not spend much time actually reading stuff
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> What about Zcash Foundation website? zfnd.org It's really clean and nice. It's too nice... Isn't it suspicious?
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> How do we make a modern website but also keep some 90's pre-CSS website style, keeping the open source vibe?
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> We should keep some 90's pre-CSS website style, keeping the open source vibe
m-relay<chch3003:monero.social> No JS is a good start