m-relay<basses:matrix.org> on getmonero.org/downloads
m-relay<basses:matrix.org> >A guide with an explanation of every section of the wallet is available: [See latest release](github.com/monero-ecosystem/monero-GUI-guide/releases).
m-relay<basses:matrix.org> repo is archived
m-relay<basses:matrix.org> should it be removed/changed?
ofrnxmrWheres the original repo
ofrnxmrMaybe that is the original
plowsofYes, a maintainer could be added of course
m-relay<basses:matrix.org> 3 years of releases
m-relay<basses:matrix.org> missing
m-relay<plowsof:matrix.org> the pdf has never been updated, so no releases are missing 😅
m-relay<plowsof:matrix.org> everyones balance is still 0 and their node is broken no matter how many guides we write 😭
m-relay<plowsof:matrix.org> glancing at the pdf, i guess there could be a high tx fee warning and a small section on then 'scan transaction' feature
m-relay<plowsof:matrix.org> and nothing about the socks proxy (so tor nodes can be connected to)
m-relay<plowsof:matrix.org> p2pool also
m-relay<123bob123:matrix.org> I thought downloads got removed?