alpharabius[m]<anarkiocrypto[m]> "Displaying the address helps you..." <- It allows you to steal em 2
anarkiocrypto[m]Monero news aggregator: themonero.dance Includes news, events, social media updates, fundraisers, marketplaces & merchants, wallets, exchanges and other resources
anarkiocrypto[m](Sorry if this posted twice)
rbrunnerNice. Looks pretty comprehensive. Now the never-ending hard work to keep this current starts :)
ofrnxmr[m]Irc bridge broken? rbrunner:
ofrnxmr[m]I can see rbrunner's message on the irc side but not matrix
ofrnxmr[m]<rbrunner> "Nice. Looks pretty comprehensive..." <- .
Guest42do seed nodes has specific code for creating white&gray lists?
rbrunnerNot sure, but I don't think seed nodes do something differently regarding those lists, knowing that they are seed nodes.
Guest42if i start from the height 1 and do only add-peer ip what is the difference from connecting as usual from monero dns
rbrunnerI don't understand the question. Maybe you have a potential problem in mind, and if you state that, things would become clearer?
ofrnxmr[m]The command youre looking for is add seed node
ofrnxmr[m]Add peer just adds the ip to your peer list and attempts to connect. It doesnt DL any fancy business to maintain the connection
ofrnxmr[m]Add priority node will do the same as add peer, only that it will also try to maintain the connection
ofrnxmr[m]Doesn't do* and fancy business
Guest42how seed nodes creates lists white,gray etc
plowsof11read (from top to bottom) courses.csail.mit.edu/6.857/2018/pr…u-Macias-Jachymiak-Siabi-Monero.pdf Guest42
jozsef[m]Also useful to incrrase understanding of p2p moneroresearch.info/index.php?action=resource_RESOURCEVIEW_CORE&id=99
alpharabius[m]What other cryptos have implemented seraphis??
ofrnxmr[m]Seraphis requires a new wallet scheme (jamtis) among other things that another cryoto project would have to do before us
ofrnxmr[m]Like* jamtis
alpharabius[m]Does monero have test coins?
ofrnxmr[m]Not for seraphis yet
ofrnxmr[m]We need a daemon before we can have a testnet on seraphis
alpharabius[m]ofrnxmr[m]: We need one with 2 thousand rings
alpharabius[m]+ how to buy gme with xmr??
ofrnxmr[m]Why 2 thousand rings
RavFX[m]<alpharabius[m]> "+ how to buy gme with xmr??" <- You can long or short GME.US using XMR collateral on simplefx.com
RavFX[m]don't lose you XMR please
ofrnxmr[m]May I ask - kyc?
RavFX[m]ofrnxmr[m]: only if you want to use fiat collateral (or if you're VPN is in russia)
ofrnxmr[m]Ok, just reading now
WalletFibonacci12358: 0 XMR