susman1[m]what is the chance that monero goes to complete zero
susman1[m]like outta nowhere
meropeZero what
someoneelse49549<susman1[m]> "what is the chance that monero..." <- low in fac
someoneelse49549> <@susman1:matrix.org> what is the chance that monero goes to complete zero
someoneelse49549* low in fact
someoneelse49549the chance that it goes very high are also low
k4r4b3y[m]has this been discussed before: piped.video/watch?v=yq_cOVHr8Pg
k4r4b3y[m]thankfully, there are developers looking at full membership proofs for monero.
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HiVi have some of those
ajs_[m]monerokon planning meeting in 20 minutes in #monero-events:monero.social