m-relay<elongated:matrix.org> Adoption by whom ? Anybody can use it
m-relay<elongated:matrix.org> Nobody is stopping you from using xmr
m-relay<umask777:decred.org> @grok what is a joke
m-relay<umask777:decred.org> @grok ???
m-relay<umask777:decred.org> damn bot must be too busy analyzing monerobros' tax returns
m-relay<gingeropolous:monero.social> so how much fun is it to try and get a private monero testnet that starts a fresh chain but uses the current consensus protocol.... ?
m-relay<gingeropolous:monero.social> or is this what fakechain does?
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> private stagenet?
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Maybe regtest?
m-relay<syntheticbird:monero.social> regtest?
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Yaa
m-relay<monerobull:matrix.org> >If you wish to remotely sync your wallets to your node, we strongly suggest setting up TLS with the Nginx Proxy Manager app. It is unwise to use the RPC commands over an unencrypted connection.
m-relay<monerobull:matrix.org> uhm
m-relay<monerobull:matrix.org> what can happen?
m-relay<monerobull:matrix.org> ok enabled it now
m-relay<monerobull:matrix.org> good thing i use a vpn most of the time?
m-relay<monerobull:matrix.org> sgp_: Monero-LWS app would be big
m-relay<monerobull:matrix.org> especially with the future improvements
m-relay<monerobull:matrix.org> im not sure how exactly the LWS will be set up after we get the new modular view keys but could you "pair" a device to a node simply via qr code exchange?
m-relay<monerobull:matrix.org> maybe even configure the specific settings on the client, then connect (more privacy from the node operator in exchange for slightly slower sync, etc)
m-relay<monerobull:matrix.org> that would be pretty cool for onboarding friends to your node
m-relay<gingeropolous:monero.social> a private testnet will still start at consensus v1 and require getting to some recent testnet height to get to current consensus rules
m-relay<gingeropolous:monero.social> i mean, using just the standard monero daemon
m-relay<kevino:tchncs.de> how do i setup the ban list for my monero node ? can someone give the list ?
m-relay<metrics:unredacted.org> odysee.com/@novwies:9/digital-euro-…itcoin-monero-lagarde-stop_!_this:d
m-relay<gingeropolous:monero.social> kevino: , so there's this: github.com/Boog900/monero-ban-list
m-relay<gingeropolous:monero.social> and you can also enable the DNS ban list. Check the monerod --help output for the specific flag
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> --enable-dns-blocklist is the dns flag
m-relay<gingeropolous:monero.social> teach a man to fish and all that
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Its called "blocklist" (instead of ban-list) not the easiest grep
m-relay<kevino:tchncs.de> wow afrn has an ai bot now
m-relay<kevino:tchncs.de> ban and block mean the same
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Block has 100 meanings in monero/crypto
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Ban has 1 meaning
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> At this current time, the manual ban-list is preferred over the dns blocklist. Dns blocklist has size constraints and is not as comprehensive as a result
m-relay<kevino:tchncs.de> k
m-relay<q8monero:matrix.org> hello
m-relay<q8monero:matrix.org> i just started mining so its seems interesting to me, i have some challange's can someone help on them ?
m-relay<q8monero:matrix.org> so i just started using XMRig, and read an article if i joined a pool with multi-devices it going to have the same reward's so i need to using an XMRig proxy.
m-relay<q8monero:matrix.org> and cant find useful resources about the configs.
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> the pool section of xmrig-proxy config is the same as xmrig
m-relay<monerobull:matrix.org> use p2pool :)
m-relay<q8monero:matrix.org> so is it recommended to use XMRig-Proxy, or each rig i have i need to join in a diff pool ?
m-relay<q8monero:matrix.org> the problem i don't understand p2pool very well
m-relay<q8monero:matrix.org> actually even XMRig lol
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> You run xmrig-proxy as if its xmrig
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> (you can connect xmrig-proxy to p2pool, pools, a node, etc)
m-relay<q8monero:matrix.org> no actually i run gupax
m-relay<ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> so you already use p2pool?
m-relay<q8monero:matrix.org> i would love if you can share with me how to do so, if you have a good resource , noticed i was mining with my Ryzen 9 on the same pool of my Xeon, then read an article it says it's worthless to mine in a same pool
m-relay<q8monero:matrix.org> yes
a minute ago