m-relay<8inchnails:matrix.org> Hey, is this the right place to ask about a GUI Wallet issue? i.e. the Invalid Address error?
dukenukem8inchnails I don't see why not. There's also #monero-gui, just in case you'd like to replicate the message, should you not get the answer you were initially looking for.
m-relay<x3cc:nope.chat> Is your address 95 characters length? Or if it integrated it should be 106 as I remember
dukenukemshould be #monero-gui:monero.social or whatever.
m-relay<8inchnails:matrix.org> Thanks peeps. All good.
m-relay<fareve:matrix.org> apparently this works although it's In beta:https://xmrbazaar.com/
IronKneesupport your local memecoin powered music stream! <3 odysee.com/@RogerRadio:f/LIVE:922
IronKneesorry, didnt mean to spam, wrong channel actually
IronKneeif ur looking for marketplaces, there's always dn lol..
superquantumAnyone else here?
m-relay<jivan:opaline.uk> superquantum: Howdy
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> Nope
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> Me,myself & Irene
niocnot Alice?
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> Alice is in wonderland
halloy1286anyone home?
m-relay<321bob321:monero.social> Leave a note