lederstrumpf[m]Farcaster public test release is out: reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/rhe6rg…ode_a_decentralized_p2p_atomic_swap
libre[m]What happens if a monero bounty doesn't get fullfillled
libre[m]Is there an expiration date? Does the funds get donated to a general fund or what
crypto_grampy[m]<libre[m]> "Is there an expiration date..." <- I believe funds get moved to the top few unfulfilled bounties after a year of no progress
libre[m]Great system
libre[m]Thanks for the answer
libre[m]I just saw this bitcoin gift cards for christmas
libre[m]I think this is great growth hack that we can use for Monero
» libre[m] uploaded an image: (145KiB) <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/do…DEdOFOjwyMmFcGr/FGtHC-aXsAUuDP3.jpg>
libre[m]I've seen some digital versions of this as well
libre[m]Is there something similar for Monero?
netrik182SerHack: they seem to be on reddit teddit.net/r/monerobox
carrington[m]libre: there is also Azte.co
x0What's the best way to swap BTC for XMR ?
Ingedepends on your requirements
Ingelowest fee? most decentralized? most private?
x0most private
IngeBisq, localmonero, Atomic swaps (but they might lack a bit on the usability front for a while yet)
x0looks like atomic swaps is what I need
Ingex0: you might want to hop into #monero-swap to get the latest updates on what's what with Atomic swaps
Ingeif BTC taproot transactions get a lot of traction, some of the btc <---> xmr swaps will look like any other taproot transaction on BTC, so impossible to see that it is a part of a swap (AFAIK)
mcfranko[m]I don't think that's true, because with taproot you still need to list the clause in the contract that allowed you to spend the utxo
mcfranko[m]I don't think atomic swaps even have multiple clauses so taproot won't make much of a difference
kayabaNervemcfranko[m]: It's re-defining the success path as a 2-2 multisig using Schnorr
kayabaNerveAnd then on failure falling back to a contract
plowsof[m]The lead maintainer of Feather Wallet - tobtoht recently poured his heart open in the #_oftc_#feather:matrix.org channel. He's going through some hard times and needs a break. If you would like to go to that channel and leave some well wishes for him that would be much appreciated x
luigi1112this ccs has more engagement than we've seen in a long time. Please if you care one way or the other, like, comment, and subscribe.
luigi1112In reality though, I think most points have been hashed. What I'd like to see is judicious use of the thumbs up/down buttons and brief messages
sethsimmonsnioc: Absolutely amazing to get to be one of the first to test Farcaster atomic swaps
sethsimmonsSo damn cool
niocnice, farcaster has been working overtime the last few weeks to try and give us a christmas present
sethsimmonsnioc: No kidding!
» quartz[m] uploaded an image: (13KiB) <libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/do…34f2f80c04ab60ead29bd4086/image.png>