Humsher[m]<SerHack> "antares80: hey, author of MM..." <- I've just finished reading this too. Thank you! I feel much more confident using Monero now that I have more understanding of how it works. TIme to slowly work my way through Zero to Monero now.
nikg83[m]Any idea what happened to MoneroMarkets
fewunderstandnikg83[m], it was destroyed by its founder.
testingone1[m]Do I benefit from moneros privacy feature if I'm sending $xmr from one cex wallet to another cex wallet? Are their any privacy/ security draw backs to this?
ingethe centralized exchanges, between them, know just about evertying about that transaction ?
escapethe3ra[m]<nikg83[m]> "Any idea what happened to..." <- you can post on Monero Observer: monero.observer/tag/community