m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> Should we make it so that the daemon returns an error response if busy?
m-relay<jeffro256:monero.social> Unrelated: is there a way to raise the maximum number of connections per-host for the TCP server? I'm testing a reorg bug and using 3 daemons, but I hit the limit (which is 2 AFAICT) ~60% of the time
moneromoooojeffro256: --max-connections-per-ip
selstaI plan to get v0.18.3.2 tagged tomorrow, is anything missing?
selstamoneromoooo: how long should it take to run `check_blockchain_pruning`?
moneromooooIIRC it reads all the tx data. If so, it could be lengthy.
moneromooooMuch faster than syncing though, to give an idea.
selstaok, I'll let it run for it bit and see what happens
selstatook 5 minutes or so
m-relay<someoneelse495495:matrix.org> sorry for the waste of time selsta, I'll add a sticky note on the openrpc doc
selstano problem, I also had it in memory that the check prune blockchain function is instant but doesn't seem so